Screen Time: Is it Harmful for Developing Brains?
Screen Time. Ever go shopping and see a young child in the cart mesmerized by the iPad or phone screen that they cradle in their tiny,...

Laughter is the Best Medicine
Have you ever wondered if you can be purposeful about feeling better? Are you having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day and want...

Why not spank?
Polls consistently show most Americans believe spanking is an appropriate form of discipline and use it as a discipline option when...

Why Victims of Sexual Violence and Harassment Stay Silent...
Why are victims quiet about sexual harassment, assault, or abuse? Why do they not tell someone, even someone they know, that they have...

Attachment Disorders in Children
Attachment is defined in psychology as an emotional bond between an infant or toddler and primary caregiver, a strong bond being vital...

Music and Your Infant's Brain Development
Music. Does it positively affect an infant's brain in any significant way? People across cultures and from the earliest known history...

Slow and Low
Slow and Low... We humans used to move through our natural cycles at nature's pace. Time was marked by the passing of seasons, and cycles...

Alleviating Stress Through Journaling
Journaling-- Accessing, expressing, and processing our feelings is beneficial. Journaling, putting pen to paper, is an outlet for...