The Secrets to Aging and Longevity
The Secrets to Aging and Longevity… We all want the answer to the question: “How do I achieve a healthy, long life span?” But are we...
The Power of Music
The Power of Music... We all know that music has an amazing ability to cause emotion. When a particular song from decades-past comes on...
Proven Relaxation Technique
Progressive Muscle Relaxation... Our world is growing increasingly frightening and upsetting. Turn on the news and we hear and view...
The Wonderful World of Play
THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF PLAY... Let children play! With real, three-dimensional objects! On slides and swings and seesaws. In sandboxes...
Depression in Teens
POSSIBLE WARNING SIGNS of DEPRESSION in TEENS-- If you’re unsure if your child is depressed or just “being a teenager,” consider how long...
TH1RTEEN R3ASONS WHY NOT to view this Netflix show: 1. Suicide of main character (junior in high school) graphically dramatized and...
Breathe...just breathe.
Breathe… just breathe. Job 33:4 states, “The Spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life.” Anyone who gets...
Celebrating What's Right
CELEBRATING WHAT'S RIGHT... “Celebrate what’s right with the world!” Dewitt Jones, National Geographic photographer declares. This is...